Our new class is pretty dang awesome. There are only 7 people including me in the older grade part of the split the rest r younger... But they are soo sweet. Do I like my class you may ask? Well I have my boyfriend and my BFF maddie so I have nothing to complain about! Yes I did say boyfriend!! He sits in front of me in one class and beside me in the other!! But the sad thing is... This is my LAST year with maddie!!! it is so sad! So
We have to make this year the best year yet! Which will be kinda hard cuase we've had some really really awesome years! My boyfriend is going to the se school as me thank god! At least maddie will have some of our other friends... Well ttyl besties!
Lexie and maddie
10/10/2012 09:05:21 am

Update on love life: single! Ya Ikr it sad but o well. Guess it just wasn't meant to b I guess. I'm fine

9/25/2013 09:22:05 am

Haha, Lex is Single! My BF and I are going on 10 months on the 13 of October

11/14/2012 08:01:02 am

Hey Lexie! Your blog is really weird.


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    Maddie and Lexie. two very awesome and gorgeous people! Who have very RANDOM thoughts!