Heyyyyyy! Yo!
Guess What! What?
I saw an octopus in a pool ounce!
What? Octopuses don't live in
pools dummy! Well I and my friend
were at this hotel. We wanted to go swimming so we went in the pool. There were
some other people in the pool and I was being really loud and acting really
stupid Are you sure you were
acting? Yes Maddie I was acting!
I'm a very talented actress! Ok
then. On with the story. Ok. So I
was being really loud and I asked my friend not to splash me. I grabbed her hand
a said that we made a truce not to splash each other. 5 seconds she splashed me.
Ah, Lexie, what does this have to
do with an octopus? Just wait!
She splashed me and I started yelling TRUCE BREAKER TRUCE BREAKER! And to make
my point I went up to this guy and was like "IS she a truce breaker?" and he was
like "I don’t know. What did she do?" And I was like "We made a truce that we
wouldn’t splash each other and she splashed me!" He nodded and said well for
you. Still don't see how any of
this relates to an octopus! Shhhhh! I am not done! So we decided to let
the subject go. A few minutes later the very same guy walked over to us with his
arms extended and he was making a weird noise. The first thing I said without
  thinking was... "YOU LOOK LIKE AN OCTOPUS!" That
is a very Lexie thing to say. I wonder if that guy is reading this. That would
be weird. Yeah it would!
Well I think that’s it for
today! Bye Guys!

smiley j.n
4/25/2012 09:15:14 am

this is awesome


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    Maddie and Lexie. two very awesome and gorgeous people! Who have very RANDOM thoughts!