Hey everyone! This is Lexie and Maddie!
This is our 2 post ever on our new blog! Yay usI am like so excited! Well what should we say? I don't know. Remeber that time when we were younger and we went to the park? Which one?The one with the dog! Oh yeah that was funny we should tell the story. Ok!
Well we were at a park on the swings and then all of a sudden a big scary boxer dog thing came and started runing around us. We stood up on the swings cause we were scared. It kept running and running and finally my mom noticed us. She got in the car driving slowly making sure not to hit the dog. She wanted us to get into the car but the dog was still there.  We finally sprinted to the car but the dog nearly jumped in! but we mannaged to drive away in time.  That was really scary but fun but fun the same. Yeah thank gosh it didn't eat us! Ba Bye Now 4 Now!
4/25/2012 09:18:51 am

cant wait till you update it look forward to it every week!!!!!

lexie and maddie
4/25/2012 09:24:30 am

Yay a follower!


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    Maddie and Lexie. two very awesome and gorgeous people! Who have very RANDOM thoughts!